Understand your subsidies

Understand how you could profit from new SFI agroforestry subsidies for your project

How much land would you dedicate to agroforestry?

The total area of the fields with agroforestry in hectares

Where is your farm located?

Your farm's postcode

What type of agroforestry are you considering?

How many trees would you plant per hectare?

Your estimate

The following is provided as an illustration of the cost of a typical agroforestry project and how the different subsidies can impact various expenses.


Agroforestry plan estimate


PA4 Agroforestry plan

Capital costs

Saplings/root-balled trees


AF1 Agroforestry woodland tree


AF2 Agroforestry fruit tree


AF3 Species diversity bonus


Tree protection


TE6 Tree guard

Operational costs

Planting & maintenance


AGF2 Low density agroforestry


Estimated annual total

Total first year costs


Total available subsidies
